How to Use leopard seal in a Sentence
leopard seal
That was how Erich Fitzgerald met Sabine the leopard seal.
—Ed Yong, Discover Magazine, 1 Nov. 2012
Like clockwork, the leopard seal arrived in the lagoon just before low tide.
—Alan Taylor, The Atlantic, 9 Mar. 2022
Photographer Paul Nicklen is still awestruck by his face time with a leopard seal in 2006.
—Craig Welch, National Geographic, 13 Jan. 2023
Weighing in at over 1,200 pounds, a leopard seal looks like the prehistoric marine species that once took on the dinosaurs.
—Sara Novak, Discover Magazine, 7 Dec. 2022
No one is certain why marine mammals like whales, sea cows and leopard seals are so big.
—Jason Daley, Smithsonian, 27 Mar. 2018
The young gentoo penguin in the picture jumped into the lagoon to play during low tide — and got ambushed by the leopard seal.
—Cecilia Rodriguez, Forbes, 1 June 2021
Amos Nachoum was awarded the grand prize for his image of a leopard seal hunting a penguin.
—Alan Taylor, The Atlantic, 9 Mar. 2022
Without many other fledglings around, the young penguins may be more likely to become a meal for a hungry leopard seal.
—Sarah Kuta, Smithsonian Magazine, 13 Oct. 2022
Penguins constitute about a quarter of the leopard seal’s diet throughout the year.
—Cecilia Rodriguez, Forbes, 1 June 2021
The leopard seal is a semi-aquatic mammal and an apex predator in Antarctica.
—Allison Futterman, Discover Magazine, 29 July 2022
For instance, leopard seals make a living hunting down penguins and even other seals.
—National Geographic, 24 Dec. 2019
Young Gentoo penguins only enter the water at low tide, so fierce predators like the leopard seal use it to their advantage.
—Elizabeth Gamillo, Smithsonian Magazine, 11 Mar. 2022
National Geographic Critter Cams like the ones seen above also show how leopard seals prey on fur seal pups and steal food.
—Sarah Gibbens, National Geographic, 19 Sep. 2017
The penguin must leave its home turf and venture into unfamiliar waters to face the peril of leopard seals that have jaws big enough to swallow a basketball.
—Patrick J. Kiger, Los Angeles Times, 26 Sep. 2019
In the ocean, though, penguins most contend with leopard seals, formidable hunters that specialize in warm-blooded prey.
—National Geographic, 3 Feb. 2020
Ou was rendered breathless by its smiling leopard seals and flourishing penguin colonies.
—Evelyn Wang,, 25 Sep. 2017
See humpback whales, leopard seals, and gentoo, Adélie, and chinstrap penguins, or watch icebergs float by and go hiking through Antarctica's untouched landscape.
—Alison Fox, Travel + Leisure, 30 Apr. 2023
Nachoum explains in a statement that just before the low tide arrived, a ravenous leopard seal scanned the shallows for its unsuspecting dinner to arrive.
—Elizabeth Gamillo, Smithsonian Magazine, 11 Mar. 2022
Scientists have used remotely piloted aircraft to estimate the health of fragile polar mosses, to measure and predict the mass of leopard seals, and even to collect whale snot.
—Smithsonian, 27 Feb. 2018
Curiously, though, there have also been reports of leopard seals behaving in a friendly manner towards people—apparently trying to present gifts, in the form of prey, to divers.
—The Economist, 17 Aug. 2019
That matters for leopard seals because they're considered ice-obligate animals.
—Craig Welch, National Geographic, 2 May 2019
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'leopard seal.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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